Friday, May 11, 2012

New Life in a New Apartment

This week we moved to a new apartment, one that hopefully fits our lifestyle a little better then our previous living situation.  We have 2 new human roommates, Wilson and Alejandro and a canine roommate named Toby.  We live in a completely different part of the city and it seems worlds away from where we work.  We live in a world of security guards, street cleaners, bike lanes, modern buildings, and hot water!  These are luxuries that we may take advantage of if we didn’t work where these things would seem so out of place.  A towering modern style building with cows grazing on its landscaped lawn, or a man urinating as a street cleaner scrubs the sidewalk next to him; it just seems ridicules. 

So we cherish all aspects our new luxurious home.  We have a nice big kitchen fully equipped with an oven and everything!  Wilson cooks frequently and makes delicious food.  With the quality of food at our previous apartment Dale ended up losing 30 pounds and I lost 10 pounds myself, all of which I am sure we will gain back at this rate.  We have a nice clean modern style apartment.  There is a small balcony where you can look out over all of Medellin at a 20 story view.  Our new bedroom is small but suits all of our needs.  We share a bathroom with Alejandro and it has HOT WATER! You don’t know just how important hot showers are until you don’t have them.  The apartment also has a beautiful recreational area with a pool, steam room, gym and basketball/ soccer court. 

Not only are the facilities more then what we could dream, but also our roommates are everything we could ask for.  Alejandro works in logistics and Wilson owns the apartment.  Both of them are very welcoming and we seem to fit right into their home.  We met some of their friends, including a tiny puppy named Juanes, and we had a delicious bbq with everyone last night.  We are also learning a lot of Spanish as neither of them speaks much English. 

The location is also a big plus.  Everything is at our fingertips; we walk by 3 huge malls just on our daily walk to the metro.  Movie theaters, Lleras Park (which has every restaurant and bar that you can think of), parks, and museums are just minutes away.  Our first week in our apartment has been amazing and although school is winding down for the semester I feel like we are starting a new life here in our new apartment.

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